Friday, March 16, 2007

Day Four ~ Contacting Surgeon and New Study

I cancelled my afternoon appointments today due to a snow storm, and thought it would be a good time to call the eye surgeon I was referred to. Trouble is, apparently the office closed early due to the snow storm too! Now I will have to wait until Monday.

In other news, found this new study. According to my calculations, this means only about a 64% success rate! That's just over half! This doesn't bode well.


slickaphonic said...

Ah, take it from someone who both knows probability and has been through surgeries with NO reportable success rate: it will either work or it won't. The 60% could be 5% or 95%--your experience will be yours, and in the end, the probability of success will mean nothing.

I'll be, of course, doing all I can from here, mentally, and with positive energy, to sway the outcome in your favor!

VV said...

I know, and that is the truth of what scares me. Maybe I don't deserve to change it, or am not supposed to change it, and because of that my slice of the percentage pie is getting smaller and smaller.

Bah! thanks for the positive energy, though it looks like it won't be needed until summer.